Taxonomic Swap 143097 (Guardado el 14/05/2024)

Añadido por thomaseverest el mayo 14, 2024 10:29 TARDE | Comprometido por thomaseverest el 14 de mayo de 2024
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Apologies, @thomaseverest I thought I had commented about this one... Now I realize I had never put my partial thoughts out at all.

The species japonicum has often been considered only a local form of M. lacustre, so it would surprise me if it ended up in a different genus (or even subgenus).

It was not included in the 2023 analysis of Bespalaya et al, but it was included in Lee & Ó Foighill, 2003.
In that paper, it was in Musculium with M. miyadii, M. lacustre, M. partumeium, M. securis, and M. argentinum.

Publicado por amr_mn hace alrededor de 2 meses

Ah thanks I should've checked that. So just swap the other way?

Publicado por thomaseverest hace alrededor de 2 meses

That's what I think is best.

Publicado por amr_mn hace alrededor de 2 meses

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