Taxonomic Swap 8567 (Guardado el 13/08/2014)

Revision of the southern Andean genus... (Referencia)
Añadido por eraskin el agosto 13, 2014 04:00 TARDE | Comprometido por eraskin el 13 de agosto de 2014
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Please follow the authorities we list in the Curator's Guide. EOL is not one of them, and it's hard to consider them an authority at all since they support multiple taxonomies and generally don't have opinions on what's current or not. GoBotany / Flora Nova Angliae consider B. dissectum to be current (, as does The Plant List (, so I would revert this change... which is something I need to do, I think, if we want to do it cleanly. Anyway, please don't commit any more taxon changes using authorities we haven't listed. If you want to add more authorities, let's talk about it in the Google Group.

Publicado por kueda hace casi 10 años

Alright, guess I jumped the gun on Botrychium > Sceptridium. I will put them back (and stop using EOL as an authority).

Publicado por eraskin hace casi 10 años

Oops, I missed you saying that you needed to do it. Sorry if I screwed it up (again). Good grief. I'm going to stop messing with taxonomy, unless it's VERY clear that something is wrong (e.g., all those palms that were in a fish genus).

Publicado por eraskin hace casi 10 años

Actually I think what you did is just fine. It just creates a circular loop of swaps, which might actually be better than what I was going to do, since it preserves the history.

Publicado por kueda hace casi 10 años

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