Archivos de diario de junio 2016

19 de junio de 2016

For my birthday, I started a new county project

Yes, this was my birthday present to myself - another obsession! But seriously, I spend weeks and months here in Charlotte County, Florida, and do some of my best iNat-ting here, so why not? Please check it out, and add you observations to the project:

All of you named below either have submitted entries currently in Charlotte County, or might very well do that someday soon! Please join the project and add to the picture!

@damontighe , @danielgeorge, @tui, @fm5050, @bonzai, @alexhansman, @bluegill, @gtsalmon, @daves, @ericswanson, @john11, @catabbott, @kchiasson, @estebanalzate, @greg lawrence, @kylejones, @joelferree, @jessica32, @finatic, @jaykeller, @greglandgraf, @greglasley, @jimjohnson, @leslie_flint, @nycticorax, @dpom, @robberfly, @maractwin, @muir, @charlie

Publicado el junio 19, 2016 01:15 MAÑANA por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon | 12 comentarios | Deja un comentario