Archivos de diario de septiembre 2018

13 de septiembre de 2018

Walk with friends at Huddart County Park, September 21

So I wanted to see how many of you might be interested, and be able to join me, for a long trail walk at Huddart County Park, prior to the BioBlitz at the end of the month. The only day I can do it (they are working me hard at my job, really!) is FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21. Using the attached Huddart county Park map, we'd be hiking from the intersection of the Richards Road Trail at Skyline (in the northwest corner of the park) along the whole trail to its terminus along the southeastern side. We'd need to coordinate to park at least one car down at that site, too (I have a park pass, so it might make the most sense to have it be my car). I've been told this is a difficult trail - but this is the downhill direction. For those who are not used to what it is like to hike with crazed obsessed naturalist, we cover about 2 miles every 3 hours. So this hike, which the park says is 3.5 miles, should take 4-6 hours for us slow pokes! Anyway, I am inviting most folks via a Facebook message, but since you folks are either not on FB, or I don't know you are out there, I am using this method, too.

Here's the link to the Huddart map


Publicado el septiembre 13, 2018 04:17 MAÑANA por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

22 de septiembre de 2018

BioBlitz at Huddart County Park - Saturday SEPTEMBER 29

Hey San Mateo county iNat-ters! Time for another installment in the remarkable coalition between San Mateo County Parks, Sequoia Audubon Society, California Academy of Sciences, California Lichen Society, Yerba BioAdvocacy, California Native Plant Society, and California Center for Natural History!! Talk about ALL TAXA!

We will be BioBlitzing the western side of Huddart County Park. Accessed from Kings Mountain Road, this park has a vast amount of mixed redwood/madrone/tanoak forest, but remarkable pockets of other habitats, too. A lichen and moss paradise, the park also holds some unusual county birds (Pileated Woodpecker and breeding Hermit Thrush), plenty of insects, a few galls, and, well, let's find out what else!

The official blitz runs from 9:00 to noon on site, but the project is open all day. I'll be out and about adding observations through the day. I have walked every inch of every official trail in the selected area of the park, so I am happy to offer advice to interested blitzers.

Here is the link to the Eventbrite page for registration -

Here in the link to the iNat project page. Joining ahead of time let's the organizers know you are serious!

Thanks to Katherine, Alison, JJ, Drew, Damon, and so many others for pulling together this awesome coalition! Let's see if we can top 1500 observations out there!

Publicado el septiembre 22, 2018 09:49 TARDE por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon | 11 comentarios | Deja un comentario

30 de septiembre de 2018

Thanks to All Participants!

The BioBlitz was a tremendous success, and the uploading and identifying is coming along quite speedily! Please check out other BioBlitzes, and save the date - SATURDAY APRIL 27, 2019 - for the follow-up BioBlitz on the eastern side of Huddart (shorter trails!). -

Thanks to everyone! - Jennifer Rycenga

Publicado el septiembre 30, 2018 04:19 TARDE por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario