Nov 14 ID event - Common Greenbottle Fly

We're happy to announce another online meeting next week! Here are the details:

The Zoom meeting will open at 3 PM EST on Sunday the 14th - if 7 PM will be better for some people we could talk about opening that up as well.

The plan is to focus on observations of the Common Greenbottle Fly. We'll start by taking a quick look at guide materials. After that, we'll spend most of the time individually going thru observations while discussing questions and interesting observations.

Join the Zoom Meeting here:

Meeting ID: 715 7078 4120
Passcode: diptera

You can leave a comment either to let us know if you're planning to come or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

Guides to use at our meeting:
Note that the Common Greenbottle Fly occurs throughout North America, and can be separated from other similar species throughout its range using the characters described at this link to the Southeastern guide. However, it is not necessary to separate from the Australian Sheep Blow Fly where this latter species does not occur in the Northern USA and Canada.

What we'll be identifying:

Publicado el noviembre 7, 2021 10:42 TARDE por edanko edanko


not sure which time works for me yet, but im looking forward!

Publicado por vkord hace casi 3 años

3 PM EST will work for me. Thanks!

Publicado por catherine_g hace casi 3 años

You can see the range of the Australian sheep bottle fly by scrolling down here:

Publicado por edanko hace casi 3 años

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