Dec 12 ID Event - Western Sciapodinae

We're happy to announce another online meeting next week! Here are the details:

The Zoom meeting will open at 4 PM EST on Sunday the 12th.

The plan is to focus on observations of Sciapodinae in the Western US/Canada. We'll spend most of the time individually going through observations while discussing questions and interesting observations.

Join the Zoom Meeting here:

Meeting ID: 874 5687 3015

Passcode: diptera

You can leave a comment either to let us know if you're planning to come or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

Guides to use at our meeting:
Key to the Sciapodinae of the Western US & Canada
Guide to the common Sciapodinae of the Western US & Canada

What we'll be identifying:,9079,13335,7085,6834,7953,46,10,22,16,15,6,14,50,40,52,9,34&taxon_id=321397

Please watch this video prior to joining the meeting so that you are prepared to participate:

(You can open the video in a new tab by clicking on the YouTube icon.)

Publicado el diciembre 11, 2021 03:40 MAÑANA por zdanko zdanko


The beginning of the video goes by rather quickly, I'd recommend rewatching the first part after you finish the video.

Publicado por zdanko hace casi 3 años

great, hope I can make it!

Publicado por carnifex hace casi 3 años

Starting now!

Publicado por zdanko hace casi 3 años

Feel free to join late!

Publicado por zdanko hace casi 3 años

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