Archivos de diario de mayo 2021

11 de mayo de 2021

Triodanis Quick Tips

If you've been trying to figure out how to ID which species of Triodanis flower you have seen, this post is intended to give you a quick and simple way for the two most common species in Texas and the US: Triodanis perfoliata "Clasping Venus's Looking Glass" and Triodanis biflora "Venus' Looking-Glass". I'll create a more detailed key to all seven of the species soon, but until then feel free to tag me in your observations or send me a direct message if you need help.

Photograph the stem so you can see the leaves and the fruiting capsule. To identify to species you will want to to see where the pore ("window") is located.

Here's an example of T. perfoliata fruit with the pore in the middle. It also has leaves that wrap around the stem ("clasping").
(Click on the picture to go to the observation.)

Here's an example of T. biflora fruit with the pore at the apex. Also, the leaves are simply attached, not wrapping.

Publicado el mayo 11, 2021 05:04 MAÑANA por kimberlietx kimberlietx | 11 comentarios | Deja un comentario