Diario del proyecto Biodiversity of the Anacostia River

Archivos de diario de noviembre 2017

06 de noviembre de 2017

Almost a 1000 species!!!

We are getting close to the 1000 species mark on iNaturalist! A total of 993 species have been identified so far as part of the Biodiversity of the Anacostia River Project. Thanks very much everyone! Keep entering new observations or help us identify the observations that still need ID.

Kudos to @mellis , @jmgconsult, @carrieseltzer, @muir, @mkoenig, and @rgauzagronert the project's top six observers. But thanks everybody for your observations and identifications, you are really running this project!

Happy fall and happy nature watching!


Publicado el noviembre 6, 2017 08:41 TARDE por anacostiabiota anacostiabiota | 8 comentarios | Deja un comentario

15 de noviembre de 2017

Over 1000 species!

The 1000 species by Thanksgiving goal has been already met and surpassed!!! The Biodiversity of the Anacostia River Project has now 1193 Anacostia River watershed species identified. Thanks very much Anacostia River naturalists, keep the observations coming!

Make sure you take great quality photos with enough detail and showing those key morphological ID features of the organisms being observed. Take pictures of species you don't know and get them ID'ed by an iNaturalist expert. I've found that is a great way to learn about those unknown plants and critters you have seen and appreciated for years but you don't know what they are.

Observations of plants, mushrooms and invertebrates are always welcome because those are big groups with not enough observations and species identified.

Happy Holidays! and Happy Nature Watching!


Publicado el noviembre 15, 2017 03:02 TARDE por anacostiabiota anacostiabiota | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de noviembre de 2017

Mushrooms of the Anacostia River Watershed

I just created a field guide to the macrofungi of the Anacostia River watershed. I wanted to test for myself the "Guides" function: https://www.inaturalist.org/guides/6398

It is pretty neat and you can create a PDF and/or print a photo guide of the species.


Publicado el noviembre 16, 2017 02:13 TARDE por anacostiabiota anacostiabiota | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario