Diario del proyecto Biodiversity of the Anacostia River

Archivos de diario de septiembre 2020

06 de septiembre de 2020

Weekly statistics between August 30, 2020 and May 9, 2020

201 observers made 1094 observations between Sunday, August 30 to Saturday, September 5. Among the top five observers, @waynesweeds observed 67 examples of life in the Anacostia watershed; @tomfield contributed 52; @caz1hiker contributed 47; @treyncdc contributed 43; and @emmawalz contributed 41. Rounding out the top 10, @jmgconsult contributed 39 and @stephen220 contributed 39; @ronwertz contributed 36; @katiehodge contributed 28; and @smoore_catcount contributed 26. 87 people contributed one observation, 30 people contributed two observations, and 13 people contributed 3 observations. Plants jumped into first place (442 observations), followed by Insects (328 observations). Fungus (110 observations) regained third place (plenty of rain in the watershed this week!). Protozoa has the fewest observations (2).

A few highlights of observations are provided below, to celebrate the wide variety of life found in the Anacostia watershed. All observations are welcome, every contribution helps document the magnificent diversity of our community. Thank you to everyone who contributed observations this week!

@dtread1 Bluegill speared on the bill of a heron!
@jimwood1 Arrowhead Orbweaver Spider
@caitlindwarf Yellow Garden Spider
@droberts50 American Avocet
@stephen220 American Redstart
@stephen220 Barred Owl
@lamaybe Corn smut, also known as huitlacoche
@vwiest Lion’s mane mushroom
@carytting Red Chanterelle
@emmawalz Witch’s butter
@waynesweeds American persimmon
@waynesweeds Globe Flatsedge

Observations this week, by Taxon:
Actinopterygii 5
Amphibia 3
Animalia 2
Arachnida 28
Aves 93
Fungi 110
Insecta 328
Mammalia 38
Mollusca 4
Plantae 442
Protozoa 2
Reptilia 19
(blank) 20

Publicado el septiembre 6, 2020 01:38 TARDE por jmgconsult jmgconsult | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

13 de septiembre de 2020

Weekly statistics between September 6, 2020 and September 12, 2020

256 observers made 1216 observations between Sunday, September 6 to Saturday, September 12. Among the top five observers, @ronwertz observed 143 examples of life in the Anacostia watershed; @thefloorisflava contributed 122; @jmgconsult contributed 37; @katiehodge contributed 43; and @epic2112 contributed 28. Rounding out the top 10, @stephen220 contributed 28; @wilpersm contributed 36; @dtread1 contributed 25; @emmapodietz contributed 22, and @caz1hiker contributed 19. 127 people contributed one observation, 36 people contributed two observations, and 17 people contributed 3 observations. Plants jumped stayed in first place (472 observations), followed by Insects (352 observations). Birds (136 observations) regained third place. Actinopterygii (1) and Mollusca (4) had the fewest observations.

A few highlights of observations are provided below, to celebrate the wide variety of life found in the Anacostia watershed. All observations are welcome, every contribution helps document the magnificent diversity of our community. Thank you to everyone who contributed observations this week!

@thefloorisflava Cope's Gray Tree Frog
@acerrubrum Southern Leopard Frog
@wildlymistaken Bold Jumping Spider
@epic2112 Triangulate Combfoot
@etotin Yellow Garden Spider
@wendy_from_zoom Blad Eagle
@droberts50 Black-and-white Warbler
@bruzzone Wild Turkey
@environeill Blue-banded Lema Leaf Beetle
@ronwertz Common Checkered-Skipper
@jmgconsult Eastern Amberwing

Observations this week, by Taxon:
Actinopterygii 1
Amphibia 6
Animalia 5
Arachnida 35
Aves 136
Fungi 99
Insecta 352
Mammalia 28
Mollusca 4
Plantae 472
Reptilia 43
(blank) 35

Publicado el septiembre 13, 2020 06:51 TARDE por jmgconsult jmgconsult | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de septiembre de 2020

Weekly statistics between September 13, 2020 and September 19, 2020

260 observers made 1299 observations between Sunday, September 13 to Saturday, September 19. Among the top five observers, @jmgconsult observed 121 examples of life in the Anacostia watershed; @stephen220 contributed 85; @thefloorisflava contributed 65; @emmapodietz contributed 34; and @rownwertz contributed 32. Rounding out the top 10, @dtread1 contributed 31; @wilpersm contributed 24; @epic2112 contributed 23; @woodcut55 contributed 22, and @caz1hiker, @ben_springer, and @zeya each contributed 20. 130 people contributed one observation, 45 people contributed two observations, and 13 people contributed 3 observations. Plants jumped stayed in first place (476 observations), followed by Insects (405 observations). Birds (146 observations) regained third place. It’s seasonal migration time, so new and interesting birds are passing through the Anacostia watershed now. Protozoa (1) and Mollusca (4) had the fewest observations.

A few highlights of observations are provided below, to celebrate the wide variety of life found in the Anacostia watershed. All observations are welcome, every contribution helps document the magnificent diversity of our community. Thank you to everyone who contributed observations this week!

@jmgconsult American Gizzard Shad
@ben_springer Marginated Madtom
@swindsor Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider
@stephen220 Bald Eagle
@stephen220 Black-billed Cuckoo
@gcdc Nashville Warbler
@blev Afflicted Dagger moth
@lorib2 Big-headed Ground Beetle
@thefloorisflava Black-bordered Lemon Moth
@hholbrook Black-dotted Ruddy Moth
@ronwertz Eastern Rhinoceros Beetle
@ronwertz Familiar Bluet
@mschwa15 Gray Hairstreak
@claire34 Red-footed Cannibal Fly
@stephen220 Red Fox

Observations this week, by Taxon:
Actinopterygii 15
Amphibia 12
Animalia 6
Arachnida 38
Aves 146
Fungi 88
Insecta 405
Mammalia 29
Mollusca 4
Plantae 476
Protozoa 1
Reptilia 32
(blank) 47

Publicado el septiembre 20, 2020 01:36 TARDE por jmgconsult jmgconsult | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

27 de septiembre de 2020

Weekly statistics between September 20, 2020 and September 26, 2020

226 observers made 894 observations between Sunday, September 20 to Saturday, September 26. Among the top five observers, @stephen220 observed 43 examples of life in the Anacostia watershed; @ronwertz contributed 36; @dtread1 contributed 34; @hholbrook contributed 33; and @jackieq12 contributed 30. Rounding out the top 10, @treegrow contributed 25; @sherilyn3 contributed 24; @jorbogmont contributed 21; @katiehodge contributed 20, and @park1604 and @treyncdc each contributed 18. 111 people contributed one observation, 42 people contributed two observations, and 14 people contributed 3 observations. Plants stayed in first place (325 observations), followed by Insects (254 observations). Birds (84 observations) remained in third place, just edging out Fungi (80 observations). Animalia, Protozoa, and Mollusca each had three observations.

A few highlights of observations are provided below, to celebrate the wide variety of life found in the Anacostia watershed. All observations are welcome, every contribution helps document the magnificent diversity of our community. Thank you to everyone who contributed observations this week!

@thefloorisflava Jagged Ambush Bug ambushing a GreenBottle Fly
@jorbogmont Green Sunfish
@jorbogmont Redbreast Sunfish
@jorbogmont Spottail Shiner
@jorbogmont White Sucker
@stephen220 Connecticut Warbler
@stephen220 Lincoln's Sparrow
@genevievedemessieres Pine Siskin
@stephen220 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
@vwiest Swainson's Thrush
@carrieseltzer Fiery Skipper
@hholbrook Large Maple Spanworm Moth
@terry322 Monarch
@hholbrook Pale Beauty
@luxliquidus Red-spotted Purple

Observations this week, by Taxon:
Actinopterygii 10
Amphibia 20
Animalia 3
Arachnida 25
Aves 84
Fungi 80
Insecta 254
Mammalia 30
Mollusca 3
Plantae 325
Protozoa 3
Reptilia 23
(blank) 34

Publicado el septiembre 27, 2020 02:03 TARDE por jmgconsult jmgconsult | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

4th Anacostia Bioblitz

We are on for our 4th bioblitz! It will be from October 15th to 18th (Thursday to Sunday). It will be 100% virtual. We are also planning on having our Watershed Wednesday (also virtual) about the bioblitz the day before, on October 14th at 6 pm. The Watershed Wednesday event will cover the basics: how to use the app, tips to make observations more helpful, places to go in the watershed, taxa to look out for in the fall, and people's experiences using the app.

More information at our website: https://www.anacostiaws.org/events-and-recreation/signature-events/anacostia-river-bioblitz.html

Enjoy Fall!


Publicado el septiembre 27, 2020 06:27 TARDE por anacostiabiota anacostiabiota | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario